The HDG104 SiP format, with its complete system functionality, means quicker design cycles, lower risk and simplified manufacturing, all in a very small package (7,1× 7,7 mm). Lack of external components simplifies assembly test and reduces yield loss. The HDG104 SiP delivers a complete and fully tested and trimmed implementation of 802.11b/g functionality. The HDG104 is fully FCC and CE compliant, and is internally tested to meet FCC/CE and a FCC/CE approval.
The HDG104 solution is Pre- tested, calibrated and certified resulting in lowest possible production and system cost.
Data Sheet
Key Features
- Smallest Wi-Fi component in the market: 56mm2
- Lowest power consumption solution in the market for embedded applications.
- High RF output TX power (+17dBm) and RX sensitivity
- Supports multiple SW features incl 802.11e/i (Security, Quality of Service)
- External discrets needed: 19 + antenna
- External chips:40MHz (or from system)
- Pre-calibrated and programmed with MAC adr.
- No RF trimming needed
- 32KHz from host CPU
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